TrussCast Designer Homes at Reasonable Competitive Prices
Lake Trend Homes
Lake Mansion Designs by Wormington's Lava Designs from the Mid $100,000's to the Multi Millions.
Unique Concrete Luxury Homes at Affordable Prices
cut a way view showing concrete Pier and beams which go down in the ground from 6 to 20 feet depending on soil strength
spacious condos starting from
Condo Models starting from $119,000 Pre Build Luxury 2000 sq. ft from $159,000 Luxury 4000 sq. ft. from 299,000
Condo Models starting from $119,000 Pre Build
Luxury 2000 sq. ft from $159,000
Luxury 4000 sq. ft. from 299,000
Optional see-tru fireplace in front of Spa Tub
designer kitchen module for smaller homes and condos
Investors and Developers call now for free planning session 817 808 9430
for Info Call 817 808 9430
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