Green Cast LLC. Private Draft Site

Lake Conroe - Houston Demographics

Affordable Luxury 5 star Tower Living
TrussCast Coastal modular Plant using new LavaUltraCrete technology.
Museum Construction Co featuring lavapoxy foam core displays
Lake Mansion Models in Kingwood Shores
Lake Trend Homes and Condos
Cost and Time Advantages
Structural Insulated Panels
Designer Cores
Contact Us
Licensees of Ultra Crete
Lake Trends Homes
Coastal Mansions Affordable Luxury Towers
Lake Conroe - Houston Demographics

Helping rebuild the Gulf  Coast with better buildings to survive future storms and fires.
Reinforced Concrete building are about all that survived the
recent hurricanes.

Demographics Lake Conroe-Montgomery County Northwest Houston Area click below.

Lake Conroe-Montgomery county-NW Houston click here

Lava Ultra Crete  Precast CO. 
office 8300 Bissonet Suite 525
 Houston Texas 77074
1-800 784 8705 Toll Free
Cell phone 817 808 9430


office for LavaDesign Co. and TrussCast Co 8300 Bissonet, Houston Tx.77074 is the marking office for the Licensed factory affilliates of TrussCast-Lavafiber-UltraCrete Co. for Port Author Texas plant comming in 2011.