Green Cast LLC. Private Draft Site

Plans for New Ghana Hollow Core and Pre-cast Plant to open in 2010 or 2011

Affordable Luxury 5 star Tower Living
TrussCast Coastal modular Plant using new LavaUltraCrete technology.
Museum Construction Co featuring lavapoxy foam core displays
Lake Mansion Models in Kingwood Shores
Lake Trend Homes and Condos
Cost and Time Advantages
Structural Insulated Panels
Designer Cores
Contact Us
Licensees of Ultra Crete
Lake Trends Homes
Coastal Mansions Affordable Luxury Towers
Lake Conroe - Houston Demographics


Proposed coming coastal projects of modular Globe Cast systems.






State of the Art Manufacturing of Ultra Lava Fiber Crete Panel Systems of Precast by GreenCast is now being set up in the Houston plant.  Panels can be pre wired, pre plumbed  walls floors, ceilings and kitchen and bath finished  modules designed in standard containner shippable sizes of 8 ft. by 20 or 40 ft. long. which is internationally affordable and shippable SIPS Panels.  The complete Designer Luxury Kitchen and Bath core are modular designed in the GreenCast concrete modular factory. It is going to revolutionize the building systems of the world.  The Gates company is now making the hollowcore panels designed by SpanCrete machinery  which has  licensed the Gates affiliate factory that builds our Hollowcore for the Houston market for the time being.
Houston will soon have other extruded methods designed and built by TSV FabCo for faster  set up of  hollow core  factories which will be coming soon. They are designed for  Manufacturing standard Prestressed Hollow Core Concrete proven over 50 years of use.  We also will be building new equipment to produce structural columns and beams with new fiber and ultra high strength concrete formulas for the more traditional concrete construction systems used by traditional exsisting contractors and architects.

Jimmie Wheeler Majority Owner and CEO of Big Wheel Development Inc,  Big W. Contracting Inc.,  

Big Wheel Development, Inc. Contracting Licencee of Ultra Crete Sips International Company

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New Plant now being set up  in Texas and Mississippi.


office for LavaDesign Co. and TrussCast Co 8300 Bissonet, Houston Tx.77074 is the marking office for the Licensed factory affilliates of TrussCast-Lavafiber-UltraCrete Co. for Port Author Texas plant comming in 2011.