Green Cast LLC. Private Draft Site

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Affordable Luxury 5 star Tower Living
TrussCast Coastal modular Plant using new LavaUltraCrete technology.
Museum Construction Co featuring lavapoxy foam core displays
Lake Mansion Models in Kingwood Shores
Lake Trend Homes and Condos
Cost and Time Advantages
Structural Insulated Panels
Designer Cores
Contact Us
Licensees of Ultra Crete
Lake Trends Homes
Coastal Mansions Affordable Luxury Towers
Lake Conroe - Houston Demographics

Tell us what you think!

Call Garold Wormington CEO and Majority Owner of LavaUltraCrete  International  Co., Lake Trends Homes, Co. Beach Trends REIT   
817 808 9430 personal Cell
or 1 800 784 8705 office
or 713 777 8122 for
 Major affilate Investor Erector Contractors 
 Big Wheel Development Inc.
and Lake Trend Construction Co. JV with Land and Sea ent. Inc. Joseph Fornier 
licensed e
Engineer Contractor. 

For futher info Email or write See Span Crete and
Gates Concrete Hollow Core Panels used in some structures by Ultra Crete affiliates. These are totally different than our proprietary insulated prefinished Pre-Cast system.
Our  Design Dream Team, directors and consultants are
Jim Wheeler- CEO of Big Wheel Development Inc.
Owner of over 20 million dollar development/construction companies, Has more  than 15 years of experience in the investment banking industry and spent many years on Wall Street.
He has many celebrity investors.
Garold Wormington President and major stockholder has over 40 years of experience in all phases of investment mortgage banking and all phases of construction, manufacturing building panels systems, had world largest satelite maufacturing company and major land developer, inventor,  and designer builder.
Ernie Afflitto COO has more than 44 years of experience in all phases of buiness and insurance and building development.
Jerrel Brenham Project Manager 20 years experience
in all phases of construction management.
Leonard Moon Vice President has more than 12 years of experience in multiple phases of construction
Joseph Fornier - Chief Engineer - has more than 30 years of experience in all phases of engineering and project management encompassing 20+ million dollar construction projects.
John Montgomery - Architect and Engineer- More than 40 years of experience involving major projects such as the Houston Astrodome.

We also design and build commercial building using Tilt Up Construction, Pre- Engineered Steel Framing and some Steel Roof Systems and Hollow Core Panels in parking garages and office towers.


office for LavaDesign Co. and TrussCast Co 8300 Bissonet, Houston Tx.77074 is the marking office for the Licensed factory affilliates of TrussCast-Lavafiber-UltraCrete Co. for Port Author Texas plant comming in 2011.